
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. – Matthew 7:15

Last week I received an e-mail from some Christian who is supposedly related to a Nigerian princess. Apparently, they have recently come to possess a huge amount of money that is being hidden from corrupt government forces. They’re writing to me because they want the money to be used for God’s work. They said that if I would just help them get a million dollars or so out of the country, they would be happy to share with me (and my church of course) what God has provided.
(The truth is that I have received more than a few such e-mails, apparently I am well known among Nigerian royalty – who knew?)

All around us today are voices that claim to speak God’s truth. They tell us what to believe, what to do, how to vote, how to spend our money and our time, how to raise our children and how to navigate our relationships. They even claim to tell us our destiny. They claim to be voices of truth. But the truth is that many of the voices out there that claim to speak to us on behalf of God—are, as Jesus puts it “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.

Wander through any bookstore or flip your way through a few religious programs on TV and you will encounter the fakers, the phonies and the frauds. Their words are confident and persuasive. Their followers are often many. Their results may even seem remarkable. But they do not speak the truth!

The Bible is a dangerous book—perhaps the most dangerous book in the world—dangerous because it claims to be God’s own words, the infallible, inerrant, authoritative voice of God. So it is no wonder that people turn to the Bible to back up their own ideas and values. Down through history, and even in our own day, the words of Scripture have been twisted to support all kinds of perversions and abuses.

Nobody likes to be told what to do. And given the choice, most of us would choose to be given a choice. We want selection. We like to leave our options open. We want to be able to decide things for ourselves. And fortunately for us, we do have a choice.

In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus talks about the two gates and the two roads. In verses 18-20, he talks about two different trees and two different kinds of fruit. In verse 24-27, he talks about two houses built on two different foundations. Clearly there is a choice to be made. But the trouble is that this choice is not as easily made as we might like to believe.

The Bible says there are two teachers you can listen to for directions. And you are free to make the choice. God gives you that freedom. But as you decide, there is something you should know. One of these teachers speaks the truth and the other one does not. The path you choose will determine whether or not you find the WAY. The teacher you choose will determine whether or not you find the TRUTH.

Father in heaven, protect us from deception and keep us from believing the lies we are told everyday. May your Son be our example and may your Spirit be our teacher and guide – Amen.

Jeff Frazier


Anonymous said...

Pastor Jeff,
This reminds me of the contemporary movie "The Book of Eli", in which one man seeks the Bible for evil means, from the other man who is protecting it for God, because it is the LAST copy on earth. The anti-hero knew the power of the Word of God as a pursuasive tool, a means for commanding power over people, due to its promise of hope. The hero knew the power of God's Word for saving humanity and rebuilding a society (after nuclear destruction), giving REAL hope to the people and the means to really LIVE again. And it reminds us to not take the Bible for granted!! What a privilege we have at our fingertips. (The movie has cool spiritual elements, but is unfortunately very violent!)

Tom said...

So now you have told us that there are good and evil people, that as you have said "the words of Scripture have been twisted to support all kinds of perversions and abuses". Perhaps you were leaving to a future blog how to tell the TRUE voice? Stay tuned.

Pastor Jeff said...

I did not say that there are good people and evil people. But I did say that there are voices of truth and voices of deception in our world today. Sometimes people with very good intentions can be deceived and speak messages that are not true...and yes of course you should stay tuned ;)

Pastor Jeff

Anonymous said...

What a Great Sermon on Sunday! I was driving to work this morning, listening to K-LOVE and the song...Falling in Love by Jason Gray came on. I've heard the song plenty of times before - but after Sunday's was like an Ahh Ha moment that I just Got It! The words penetrated my heart so deeply and truthfully after Sunday's message. It's amazing when your faith and God's word seeps into your every day life!!! Thank You Pastor Jeff for allowing God to work through you!!!

Anonymous said...

You really hit the nail on the head. There are seemingly so many preachers and lay people who use the Bible to justify their evil ways. I think this is largely why so many non-believers hate Christians; they think that Christians are hypocrites because they espouse one thing and do another. What they don't realize is that those "Christians" aren't Christian at all. They are indeed "wolves in sheep's clothing". But the paradox is there: the only way a non-believer can see through this masquarade is to become a believer with a solid knowledge of God's word, something they are obviously reluctant to do. Satan is so devious.