Tuesday, December 7

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

A long time member of FBCG – and a dear friend to many – passed away just two days ago. Before Marj died I had the opportunity to sit by her bedside and visit for a while with her and her husband Dick. She had battled a relentless illness for several years and was clearly nearing the end of her earthly life. But although her body was ravaged, her spirit was bright and her heart was at peace. As we talked and prayed, we were very aware that the disease was going to take her body – but we were equally aware that Jesus already had safeguarded her life and that she had eternity in heaven to look forward to!

It may seem strange to talk of death at Christmas time – but, if we read once again the familiar words of John 3:16 we can see why it’s not only appropriate but absolutely necessary to speak of death in the context of Christmas!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Do you see it? God gave his Son – born to Mary and laid in a manger – to die – so that our own physical deaths would not be the final word!

Now focus for a moment on a very small and seemingly insignificant word in that verse – the word, “so.” There are obviously many very important words in John 3:16; words like “God,” “Son,” “gave,” whoever,” “believes,” and “eternal life,” but the word “so” is as important as any of them in a way.

“So” is a word of emphasis and specificity. If I say, “I am happy,” I mean one thing. If I say, “I am so happy,” I mean another! When the Bible says, “God so loved the world that he gave…” it is telling us that God loved us in a particular and unique kind of way. It means, among other things, God loved us enough to send his own Son so that when we come to the end of our earthly lives we will know beyond any doubt or fear that we will dwell with him and in his love forever!

I believe that’s why, as we sat together in Marj’s room last week, that while there were tears and sadness – there was no fear. Marj had long ago accepted the truth and promise that she was so loved by Jesus and therefore her heart was filled with the hope that she would be forever so loved by him!

Do you know today that you are so loved? 

Brian Coffey

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