The Most Wonderful Time

The Most Wonderful Time
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...." So begins Charles Dickens' timeless novel, "A Tale of Two Cities." I remembered that line as I was thinking about what it means to celebrate Christmas in 2008 -- and how often it is the "worst" around us that allows us to see the "best" within us.

Many of us are reeling from the impact of one of the worst economic downturns in our nation's history. While some have suffered "only" the loss of retirement or investment funds, others have lost income, jobs, and even homes. We have also felt the impact as a church -- having already cut 10% of our annual budget in response to a drop in our collective giving. Yet, in the midst of the economic bad news, we see expressions of faithfulness, generosity and good news. Our offerings last weekend totaled over $87,000 which is very encouraging because December is a critical month in our giving cycle. Food donated in this weekend's food drive will enable us to share with dozens of struggling families through the ministry of our Food Pantry. And our Benevolent Fund continues to minister aid to those in critical need. We are also planning to offer a Financial Workshop after the holidays that will provide an opportunity for families to acquire the necessary tools and information to weather this economic storm. Some of the "best" things come into view through some of the "worst" of times!

Through the recent TCI survey of the congregation we have also begun to understand some of the "best" and "worst" things about FBCG! We have learned that we are pretty good at providing quality programs, preaching, worship and financial leadership. Yet we have also learned that we aren't so good at providing a sense of fellowship and connection to the church as a genuine community of care. But because you have been willing to share your experiences and opinions, we believe we will be able to work together to address these issues and become just that kind of community - and that is a very, very, good thing!

And as I think about all these things it is impossible not to see the connection to the story we celebrate at this time of year. It is, of course, the story of the God who chose the worst of times to do the best of things. It's the story of the God who chose to do the unthinkable; to take on human flesh, to step out of the glory of heaven and into this sinful and broken world. The Apostle John said he came like a light to a dark place. The angels announced that his coming would bring good news and great joy to a world full of bad news and deep sorrow. The prophets told us he would come so that we would know we are never alone - because he is, and always will be, Immanuel, the God who is with us. We know him as Jesus, who was born so long ago, but is born again in our hearts by faith, that we might bring his good news to our world.

As you celebrate this Christmas; as you observe family traditions, exchange gifts, sing carols and enjoy all the special events at FBCG; take a moment alone somewhere along the way and ponder again how Jesus transforms even the worst of times into the best of times - and transforms even the worst in us into his best for us!

Have a merry and blessed Christmas season! Pastor Brian

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