Tuesday, May 11

Let me ask you a question. What really motivates you? What is the strongest motivator in your life?

Some people are motivated by challenges; they want to see if they can overcome the obstacles in their path. Some people are highly motivated by competition; they want to prove that they are better than others. Some people are motivated by encouragement; they need to know that others believe in them. And some people are motivated by fear, others by greed, others by a sense of duty or obligation, still others by anger. There are all kinds of motivational forces in our lives.

But what is the greatest motivational force in the universe?

Read the passage from yesterday (Ephesians 5:1-2) again.

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Here Paul gives us the answer to our question. The greatest motivational force in the universe is Love!

Of course nowhere is this more true than in our spiritual lives. But it is also true in our families, in our friendships, in our work, and even in places you might not expect to find love as a motivational tool at all.

When I was playing football in college I saw teammates and opponents using all kinds of motivational tricks to prepare themselves for a game. Some players would talk about “going into battle” and “defending our turf.” Some would even work themselves up into a frenzy of artificial anger toward the opposing team. Coaches too would use the slightest hint of disrespect (whether real or imagined) to gain a competitive edge for their team. (I confess that I have indulged in of all of these motivational tactics at one time or another). However, it was during my senior year that I began to see that all of these motivational “tricks” were just that. They were tricks and gimmicks to produce temporary results. I discovered that what really motivated me was a love for the game, a love for my teammates and a deep sense of gratitude to God for the ability to compete and the desire to honor Him with my efforts.

Or, if sports illustrations just don’t do it for you…consider parents and children. Parents can often get their children to behave by promising rewards if the child obeys, or by threatening punishment if the child disobeys. But what is the parent’s real desire for their kids? It is for their child to genuinely want to obey because they love and trust their parent. There is no greater source of motivation than for a child to know deep in his or her heart that they are loved by Mommy and Daddy. Of course this is no guarantee that all will go well in the child’s life. As the child grows, the bribes and boundaries often become less effective and at a certain point, that child must find a deeper motivation for his or her choices.

Can you see how the very same principle applies to your spiritual life? Your Heavenly Father has set boundaries in place because He loves you. He has warned you about the earthly consequences of violating those boundaries and He has told you about the blessings of living within them. Yet you continue to test the boundaries.

Here in Ephesians Paul gives us the foundation for our motivation in the Christian life. We are loved by God (see yesterday’s devotion), and we have a tangible example of that love in Jesus Christ! Look again at the verse above…Paul says that 1) We are loved. 2) We are to live a life of love. 3) We are to follow the example of Christ’s love.

Close your time by considering the question at the beginning of this devotional - what really motivates you?

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:14 “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all.” Does the love of Christ compel you?

Oh Lord, You alone are my strength and my life. I confess that I am often driven by the wrong motivations and sometimes I am just not very motivated at all. Help me to grasp the depth of Your love for me, and to find my motivation in the strength of Christ’s example! - Amen

Jeff Frazier


smoore said...

Thanks Jeff. What a great reminder and challenge...I appreciate how you are willing to share what God is teaching and showing you with all of us.

Charlotte said...

This helps me realize how much belonging and acceptance are parts of Love. That doesn't allow us to stay broken and disobedient,but rather draws us to please our Father out of His Great Love!