Wednesday, May 18

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

John 15:11
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

Most of us have become almost numb to the relentless torrent of advertising we see and hear through our TVs or over the internet. Unless the ad is humorous or very creative, we tend to kind of “zone out” during commercials – or at least I do. But when I do pay attention, I almost always notice that what is being sold is not the product at all but rather something far more significant and spiritual. The product might be a car, but I am being sold “peace of mind.” The product might be a soft drink, but I am being sold “happiness” (Coca Cola’s marketing slogan is “Open Happiness”). I am being lured to try a restaurant buffet – but I am promised that same experience of happiness (the marketing slogan for Golden Corral restaurants is “Help Yourself to Happiness”).

The problem is, of course, that the kind of happiness that can be experienced through a soft drink or plate-full of food is temporary at best (and might actually produce dismay and pain later when we look at the bathroom scale!). The greater problem is that our culture substitutes temporary happiness for joy.

The truth is that joy cannot be bought, nor can it be found by seeking it in and of itself! You cannot manufacture joy and you cannot try to be more joyful – joy is always the by-product of something else. Joy is what happens to us when we love and are loved. We experience joy when we live in a way that honors and pleases God, and joy invades our lives when we invite Christ to make his home in our hearts through the Holy Spirit – who then begins to produce his fruit in us. 

That’s why Paul teaches that joy is a “fruit of the Spirit” – and not the fruit of Coca-cola, or Golden Corral, or a fine Lexus automobile! So what’s your “joy quotient?” Would you say that joy is the predominant atmosphere in your home? If so – appreciate and celebrate! If, however, the atmosphere of your home is marked more by tension, conflict or stress – remember that joy is what God wants for you, and that joy is the by-product of a combination of the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart as well as your obedience to him.

Ask God, through his Spirit, to show you how and where joy is leaking from your life – and ask him to begin to grow his fruit in your home.

 Brian Coffey

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