Thursday, January 27

Psalm 16:5-6
Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

A number of years ago a man met me in my office to talk about problems he was experiencing in his life. His marriage was crumbling; his relationships with his children were strained; his relationship with God non-existent. As he told me his story he eventually confessed that he had pursued an extra-marital relationship with someone at his office. When I suggested that a good place to start would be to terminate that relationship and focus his energy on redeeming in marriage and family – he said, “But she makes me happy, doesn’t God want me to be happy?” I remember saying something like, “Whoa, time-out! Yes, God does want you to experience his joy in your life, but true joy is never, never, never found in sin!

Here David speaks of his “portion and his cup.” He writes, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” What does he mean?

I think he means that God has established the boundaries of our lives through his word and his will. When we live within those boundaries; when we acknowledge and trust his word and his will – we will receive and experience a delightful inheritance – joy. When we disregard his boundaries; when we insist on making our own rules – we will experience pain and brokenness. But the truth is – we all like to make our own rules. We all have this tendency to resist the boundaries that God has established for own well-being and joy.

When a parent tells a child not to play with matches, or not to play in the street – he or she is establishing boundary lines for the child. Those boundaries are intended for the child’s well-being and joy – and are motivated by love. Yet, quite often the child will experience those boundaries as being too restrictive – and as being that which inhibits their joy! And so the child will test or even violate those boundaries in pursuit of what he or she believes is freedom or fun – eventually with the result being pain, trouble, discipline – or all the above!

At this point in his life David has learned that God’s boundary lines can be trusted. He trusts that God is good and that God loves him enough to establish boundaries for his life. Furthermore, he trusts that the result of living within God’s boundaries will bring a delightful inheritance.

Are there places in your life where you are testing the boundaries of God’s word and will? Are you tempted, at times, to think you will be happier if you play in the street? If so, confess your struggle before Go – and ask him to help you trust his love for you enough to trust his boundaries for your life.

Brian Coffey

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

God blesses obedience because He loves us and wants our greatest joy to be in Him. Bask in the glory of His "pleasant places!"