Monday, August 11th

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Ten Minutes with God
Monday, August 11th: “The Word Of God”

That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. (Matthew 13:1-3)

People have been gathering to hear the words of God for centuries. Their reasons for gathering are as different as each person in the crowd. If Jesus were to point you out in the crowd and ask, “Why are you here?” how would you respond? Are you hungry and in need of spiritual food? Are you desperate and in need of hope? Are you lost and in need of guidance? Are you lonely and in need of company? Are you intrigued and searching for truth?

Regardless of your answer, one thing is for certain: God is speaking. He has been speaking since the beginning. His words find each one of us. Through his words, he meets with us, and we encounter God. “A farmer went out to sow his seed…” The message of Jesus fell on everyone within earshot. Some of them were not even looking to find God, but he found them anyway. Sure, they were in the crowd, but they were not seeking him. The further explanation of this parable tells us this. 

In Nehemiah chapter eight, we find the Israelites gathering. They are about to hear from the Word of God. What we find with this crowd is that they are asking for Ezra to read from the Law. They are seeking God. While it is true that God is speaking whether people are seeking God or not, whether they are listening to him or not, the crowds reason for gathering is of utmost importance, and makes all the difference. When people gather, seeking God, expecting to hear from him, things happen. The hungry get fed. The lost get found. The desperate receive hope.

What has God been speaking into your life lately? What are specific examples of the power of God’s word in your life? How have his words changed you?

Pastor Jonathan Goble

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