Wednesday, August 25

I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free. Psalm 119:32

Take a few deep breaths and give the concerns of your heart and mind to God. Then ask him to allow you to focus completely on his voice through his word.

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11

Don’t play in the street!
Don’t play with matches!
Don’t play with sticks – you’ll poke your eye out!

Why do parents establish guidelines, boundaries and rules for their children? Is it because parents are committed to limiting the creativity, fun and joy of their children’s lives? Of course not! Parents establish boundaries precisely because they want to preserve and enhance the joy of their children! Parents have lived long enough to know the truth about the world – that some things, no matter how attractive to a child, are actually dangerous and potentially life threatening. A wise and loving parent will establish reasonable boundaries to protect children from their own inexperience and immaturity.

This Psalm reminds us of why God warns us of the danger of sin and of why Jesus warns us of the peril of the “wide road that leads to destruction.” God sets before us the “path of life,” that is, a way for each of us to know all the blessing and joy that he wants for us. God loves us; and because he loves us, he goes to great lengths to teach, warn, guide and confront us through his word and by his Spirit.

Have you sometimes felt that being a follower of Christ is too restrictive, that the Bible has too many “rules” or that God doesn’t want you to have any fun? The Psalm is reminding us that exactly the opposite is true! It is BECAUSE of God’s truth and God’s command that our hearts can be set free! And it is BECAUSE God wants to give us eternal pleasure and joy that he calls us to the narrow road of faith, trust and obedience.

The next time Satan tempts you by saying, “Hey, you deserve a little fun, too; after all, everyone is doing it!” – remember that sin is what imprisons our souls, not God.

Ask God to protect your heart and mind from the confusing voice of the enemy, and to help you trust the truth and promise of his word.

Brian Coffey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of my favorite all-time verse, which comes after Jesus spends a lot of time admonishing his followers to obey his commands, abide in Him, and follow His way:
"These things I have told you, so that My JOY might be in you, and your JOY might be full"! (John 15:11)
He has our BEST in mind!
And this is a timely lesson on the First Day of School, when we parents have to re-establish the dreaded school-day rules! (aw, mommmmm! that's not fairrrr!)