Friday, April 22

Colossians 2:13-14
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

The formal charge against Barabbas would have been sedition and murder. His sentence would likely have been death by crucifixion. Both the charge and the sentence would have been recorded in writing under the authority of Roman law.

Barabbas was guilty as charged; Barabbas was sentenced to crucifixion; Barabbas was a dead man. If there was one thing Rome, and Pilate as Rome’s representative, were good at – it was death.

When Barabbas heard his name called that Friday morning, his only assumption could have been, “It’s time to die.” He had seen crucifixions before. He knew that the charges against him would be printed on a placard and nailed to the cross above his head for all the world to see. His placard would read, “Barabbas: thief, insurrectionist, murderer.” That would be how he was remembered.

But that placard was never seen. It was never seen because the charges against him were cancelled. They were cancelled because another was nailed to a cross in his place. And as Jesus was nailed to the cross – so were Barabbas’s sins – and my sins – and your sins - nailed to the cross. “All our sins…” writes the Apostle Paul, all. How important is that little word! All. Not, most; or, some of; or all except the really disgusting sins; ALL.

The characters we have looked at in this sermon series (Witnesses: to the power of the cross): Peter, Pilate, Barabbas, the Centurion; all did things for which they were deeply ashamed. Peter denied he knew the Lord he loved. Pilate condemned an innocent man to death. Barabbas was a murderer. The Centurion had overseen the brutal execution of hundreds of men. To each of these men, Jesus says, ALL!

Each one of us has done, said and thought things fro which we are both guilty and ashamed. Maybe no one else knows – but we know – and we carry these “charges” around with us like the chains that bound Barabbas. To each one of us Jesus says, ALL! Every sinful or ugly thing that has attached itself to my heart – or to your heart – has been nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ. Cancelled. Completely gone. The chains have fallen from our hands and feet – we are free. We are alive – just as he is alive.

May you celebrate that freedom – that life – this Easter season!

Brian Coffey


Anonymous said...

I wish I could feel that ALL my sins are forgiven. I just don't know how to accept that they are. I feel way too guilty about them to feel good about Jesus' Love and to let him help me. Which makes me depressed as to why can't I? Then I do things to make me feel better, or so I think. Which of course doesn't make me feel better it then makes me feel worse; and on and on and on.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Brian and Pastor Jeff & other TMWG bloggers -

Please know that these "10 Minutes with God" devotionals mean a whole lot to a lot of people - well, I suspect it's a lot, and I KNOW it includes me and some others. :) Now that I have gone back to work (praise God), I find it hard to fit into my day the Bible reading I want to do. I have been trying to adjust to time constraints and figure out how to stay connected to God. Not there yet, but one thing that has been consistent is my morning 10 Minutes with God - hallelujah! and thank you! for your faithfulness and effort in writing extraordinary and encouraging devotionals for us, and for the way they expand beyond your sermons and educate us all in the ways of God and His Word.
Besides myself, I have recommended this site to many friends. One non-FBCG acquaintence told me that he has been reading it EVERY day since I told him about it; he finds it very uplifting to his faith and loves it! Amen to that.
Happy Easter to you all...

Anonymous said...

To the FIRST "Anonymous" above, I am praying for you... I too sometimes struggle with the idea that some sins are bigger than others, but I believe the Bible asserts that all sins are equally bad to God, which means that they are also equally forgiveable! Some sins leave a bigger scar, of course, and you may have to pay the consequences for them longer - but they are FORGIVEN, all the same. I hope you find relief from your guilt and feel God's Peace this wonderful weekend especially...

Anonymous said...

To the FIRST anonymous,also. Ask God to help you receive His great love for you. It is amazing that He even helps us to receive Him. His love is not like a person's. His forgiveness was FOR us before we were born. It sounds so crazy, but rest in Him. Just sit and put your head on His chest and hear His heart beating for YOU. It actually takes practice. I am praying for you,too.

Malachi,age 16 said...

You know just the thought of being forgivin is just really crazy... if it wasn't in the book then I wouldn't have believed it at all.. I mean how often does someone come up and say hey your forgivin and then goes and takes the place of one man that deserves death?? I've only had one say that.. Jesus!! ALL sins are FORGIVIN and we don't have to live with them anymore we can forget them as Jesus did.. I would like to thank Pastor Brian Cofeey for these inspirational messages and thank everyone that responds to my messages and most of all I would like to thank Jesus Christ for dying in my place as well as everyone else's.. God bless you all don't feel down be lifted up and I hope your life is filled with joy!!