Monday, October 4


His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.  – 2 Peter 1:3-4

This is really an astounding verse!  God has given you everything you need for your life.  In other words, you lack nothing!  Do you believe that?  Do you live as if that is true?  Does your life reflect that kind of security and trust?

It is nearly impossible to see what we have been given when we are looking at what we think we lack.  Too many of us are far too focused on what we don’t have and we do not see the incredible riches we have been given in Christ!

The word peter uses to describe the fact that we have been given everything we need is the Greek word ‘epichoregein’, it means “to be completely equipped”.  The root word is the noun “choregos”, which was the word for the conductor of a musical chorus or orchestra.  Have you ever seen and heard a large orchestra perform?  It is really incredible, the amazing complexity and variety of instruments and sounds all coming together to create something wonderful. 

This is the picture Peter gives of our lives in Christ.  The divine power of God has completely equipped us to live the life he has called us to, and when we live this way, our lives become beautiful music, a symphony, with Christ as our conductor!  We get “out of tune” when we turn our attention away from our conductor and begin worrying over what we think is missing in our lives.

The truth is that most of us live as if we don’t have everything we need.  We worry and stress about all of the things we think we lack in life.  In which of the following categories do you feel most lacking and/or insecure?
            Career/Job Security
            Children’s health & success
            Close Friends
            Material Possessions (house, car, etc.)
Take a few moments to turn your insecurity in this area over to Christ in prayer.

Oh Lord, You are the conductor of my heart and I know that everything I could ever need or want I already have in you.  Forgive me Lord for the fear, worry and selfish desires in my heart that keep me from trusting you completely – Amen.

Jeff Frazier

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