Monday, February 8

Did you ever play the game “Truth or Dare” when you were a kid?
Were you more likely to share the truth or take the dare? If you say that it depends on what the dare is, then you’re probably not the daring type.

At the risk of stretching this little analogy too far, we might look at God’s word as a kind of “Truth and Dare” game; God gives us His truth and (in a sense) dares us to believe it.

Consider this passage…
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7

Do you see that? You are gifted by God! It’s true, do you dare to believe it? You might not think of yourself as a gifted person, you might struggle with self doubt and low self-esteem. Regardless of how you view yourself, God’s word declares that if you belong to Christ, then you have been gifted by God to be used by the Holy Spirit in service to others.
In a way, God “Double Dares” us; He dares us to believe that we are gifted, and He dares us to use our gifts.

Which of these truths (and/or dares) are most difficult for you?

Do you struggle to believe that you actually have gifts, which God can use?

Do you struggle to take action and put your gifts into use for God?

Have you ever stopped to consider how it might feel to God for you not to believe that He has uniquely gifted you, or how it might feel to Him for you to refuse to put the gifts He gave you into action?

Spend a few minutes in prayer…

  • Praising God that He has uniquely gifted you to make a difference in the world for His glory!

  • Asking God to forgive you for either failing to believe or failing to use the gifts He has given you.

  • Resolving to use what God has given you in service to others and for Christ!

Jeff Frazier

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