Wednesday, February 24

When we hear the words evangelist or evangelism, most of us think of Billy Graham crusades, TV preachers, and old time revival services.
But the word evangelism comes from the NT Greek word euangelion, which means, “good news”.

And Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Strictly speaking, an evangelist is simply one who shares the good news of Jesus Christ.

There are multitudes of ways in which this sharing of the good news can happen.
In other words, you don’t have to be a preacher or a public speaker to be an evangelist.

Even in the Bible we see different approaches used by different people to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ. Paul was an intellectual and liked to debate and reason in his evangelistic efforts (Acts 17:16-34). Peter was a pretty bold guy and his approach was often confrontational (Acts 2:14-39). Matthew was a relational guy and in Luke 5:27-31 we see him throwing a party and inviting all of his friends to come and meet Jesus. The Blind man in John 9:24-25 didn’t have many answers for theological questions, he simply told the story of what God had done in his life.

Since most of us probably aren’t going to become big time evangelistic preachers to huge crowds of people, where do we begin?

The simple answer to the question, where to begin, is that we should begin right where we are, with the people we already know. The people you know already have a certain level of trust in you, they are less likely to doubt your motives, and they are already “in range” of your spiritual influence.

Who do you know?
That lives in your neighborhood? That your kids go to school with? That has kids on the same team with your kids? That goes to your gym or fitness center? That rides the train with you? That works with you? That works for you? That cuts your hair? That uses the same doctor or pediatrician as you?

Thank God for these people in your life.

Ask God to help you see them the way that He does.

Ask God to help you see opportunities to share His love with them.

Pastor Jeff Frazier

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