Thursday, February 4

So what if you pray sincerely and faithfully – and nothing happens? What if you ask God to move a mountain in your life and He seems not to answer? Does that mean He didn’t hear you? Does it mean God doesn’t care? Does it mean He lacks the power to act?

Sooner or later we all have to deal with the difficult problem of “unanswered prayer.” Read the following verses to learn how the Apostle Paul dealt with his experience of unanswered prayer.

2 Corinthians 12:7-9
To keep me from being conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleased with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Paul had a deep and personal relationship with Christ. He believed in the power of prayer. He asked the Lord to remove some manner of suffering (we’re not sure exactly what Paul meant by “thorn in my flesh”) from his life – the request was not granted. Yet, Paul had come to understand that while God had not granted his request, He had answered his prayer. God gave Paul something else – the grace and strength to live with his suffering and to use it for greater ministry.

Is there something you have been asking God for in recent days that He has not yet chosen to give?

Are you willing, like Paul, to ask the Lord if perhaps He wants to answer your prayer in a different way?

Ask God to grant you the grace and strength to trust Him even in your weakness.


Anonymous said...

This will separate the "men from the boys". We can pray "thy will be done, not mine" and be holding in our hearts the hope that God will be forced to yeild to our "humility". But, when the sun comes up on the truth that his will was quite opposite to mine, It's going to hurt. and then the seconds can turn into years as we fight the only healthy step we can take next; "Dear father, I can't accept this answer, but the alternative is not to accept you. Please do whatever it takes to keep me close to you, because I want to turn away." Then God can show his real strength as he holds us second by second through what we may only see as darkness. I know this is true because I'm currently rejoicing over miracles that are happening right now for a lost one that I've been praying for, and have also stood baffled over the bodies of more than one whom I've said the same prayers for. But that is me believing in my power,not His. This is where fellowship with other Christians becomes those hands that God holds us with. And we fellow Christians need to be patient with the one who is weak, as God is not afraid of their doubt, He wants us to be praying to comfort by his will, not ours.

Charlotte said...

Thank you Anonymous!! In a Beth Moore teaching, she says, "If God removes the thorn, He shows His sovereignty. If God leaves the thorn in us, He shows His sufficiency." I love that!