Tuesday, July 30

Our apologies, there will not be an audio version available today.


It is so easy to read this passage as just another teaching moment for Jesus. Jesus never misses an opportunity to teach. Here is Jesus using this rich young ruler to give a message to his disciples on the topics of "Salvation" and "The Cost of Following Jesus." We read it that way because so often we approach scripture with an academic mindset. We want to strengthen our intellect, know more about God's word, know more about the person of Jesus. The danger in doing this is that we can gain an understanding without allowing our hearts to be engaged and transformed. This is not simply another teaching moment for Jesus. In this short narrative, Jesus is reaching out to the lost, just as he reaches out to you and I. Consider this:

1. This rich young ruler ran up to Jesus and fell face first, on his knees, before Jesus (Mark 10:17). There is little doubt that this man was sincere in his desire to know Jesus, and receive what Jesus offered. When you first came to Jesus, how was it that you came into his presence? Were you running? Did you fall on your knees in worship? How can you relate to this rich young ruler?

2. When this rich young ruler asked Jesus a question concerning eternal life, we are told that Jesus looked upon him and loved him (Mark 10:21). Jesus was not using this man for anything, nor did he have an agenda. Jesus was simply loving this man. What is your view of Jesus? Is he your teacher? Is he someone that has an agenda and just wants to use you? Or, is he someone that views you as the object of his love? How does the way that you view Jesus effect your relationship with him?
3. It is very probable that this rich young ruler was a religious leader. At the very least, he has been a Jewish boy since birth. He has been raised in a religious household, and has lived an upright life. To his best knowledge and ability he had lived an obedient life to God. Yet, we find this man questioning, and wanting more. In what ways do you strive to live an upright life? Do you ever find yourself questioning like this rich young ruler? Have you been seeking righteousness in total reliance on God's Holy Spirit? What does it look like to live a life that is completely dependent and reliant upon God? What does it look like to live a life that is defined as walking in step with the Spirit?

Take a moment today and ask the Lord to reveal his heart for you. John tells us in his letter that we love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). it is impossible to love God if we have not truly experienced his love for us. The rich young ruler missed this. Because he missed this crucial point, he was not able to accept the message that Jesus brought to him. Before we will accept the commands of Christ, we first must come to know and accept his love for us.

- Jonathan Goble

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Whenever I ask God to reveal His love for me, I take a step back and brace myself because it is a Big Love!