Monday, August 19

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Defense Mechanisms

When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” – Luke 14:15

Each of us has our breaking point. Those moments that we can no longer take the guilt, embarrassment, vulnerability, or possibly even the attack against our pride. Some of us make light of the situation and crack a joke. Others of us snap, allowing our emotions to get the best of us. Still, others will find some sneaky way to switch the subject. The objective is always the same, to get out from under the weight of the moment. What is your defense mechanism? 

It is human nature to desire to protect one’s self. It is instinct. It is our mode of survival. But what happens when the natural and the spiritual collide? Could it be possible that our natural mode of survival is actually a catalyst for spiritual death? It is, if our instinct hinders the words and work of Jesus Christ in our lives. 

The Pharisee at the table with Jesus appears to be exhibiting strength by making such a statement as, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” Jesus has just addressed a spiritual weakness in this man’s life. His defense is to switch the subject by proclaiming a religious truth. Jesus is not impressed, and the man is no better off. All he has done is confirmed the words of Jesus by exposing his own insecurity. 

What is your defense mechanism? Is it hindering the words and the work of the Savior in your life? Has your method of survival actually been a catalyst for spiritual death? Maybe it is time to let your guard down, raise your white flag, and surrender instead.

Jonathan Goble

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